
Work outs

Marathon prep program

*Add abs each day ... four sets of 20 

Monday - Legs
- Squat - four sets of eight
- Lunge - four sets of eight
- Leg extension - three sets of 12
- Seated leg curl - three sets of eight to 10
- Glute - three sets of 10
Abs - four sets of 20 (pick exercise)

Tuesday - Chest and Triceps
- Flat dumbbell press - four sets of eight
- Incline chest press - three sets of 10
- Chest press - three sets of 10
- Dips - four sets of 10
- Pushdowns - three sets of 12
- Kick backs - three sets of 12

Wednesday - OFF

Thursday - Back
- One arm row with dumbbell - four sets of eight
- Wide grip push downs - three sets of 10
- Seated row - three sets of 10
- Reverse hypers - three sets of 12
- Seated good mornings - three sets of 12

Friday - Shoulders and biceps
- Standing military - four sets of eight
- Front raise - three sets of 10
- Side lateral - three sets of 10
- Standing barbell curl - four sets of eight
- Preacher curl - three sets of 10
- Incline hammer dumbbell curl - three sets of 10 

Saturday - LONG RUN 
Sunday - Easy run